Today, Jboy turns 4. He's been counting down for the last 10 days, letting us know each morning how many days until his birthday. Today, he keeps asking everyone to tell him happy birthday and to pray for him before meals because it's his birthday. He came downstairs this morning to find an over the door basketball hoop from Daddy and Mommy and a play tool bench from Nana and Papaw. Daddy had also found Jboy a small Maasai knife (which I'm not sure what he will do with?!?!). He requested biscuits for breakfast and chicken fried chicken w/ gravy and rice for dinner. Yesterday, we had house church with our team and celebrated with cake after lunch for J. Tonight, we will have pecan pie for dessert (again, his request).
handsome boy with beautiful blue eyes
I decided it would be fun to ask J some questions on this, his fourth birthday, and record his answers to look back at later.
How old are you? four
What's your favorite color? blue and green
What's your favorite food? pizza
What do you want to be when you grow up? Spiderman or super hero
What makes you really happy? eating pizza
When are you really sad? when someone hits me
What's your favorite movie/TV show? BOZ
What's your favorite thing in school? My kindergarten workbook
What do you like to play? I like to play with E and M. I like to play with blocks. I like to play the game Aggravation. I love playing Clifford on the computer.
What's your favorite card game? UNO, actually Skipbo
Some of J's stats/tricks/special skills:
- He's really athletically talented and enjoys playing soccer (football), baseball, and basketball.
- He's reading three letter words (and sometimes longer) with no problems.
- He has a mathematical mind and does well with addition and subtraction.
- J weighs 39.7 pounds and is 42 7/8 inches tall. He's wearing size 4 in shirts and trousers and size 10/11 in shoes.