the kids are doing well. we've still been doing school while kev's been gone but it hasn't been as intense (as intense as kindergarten and pre-school can be?!?!). we've enjoyed the continued routine to our day.
after the weekend of it just being the kids and i, it's nice to have jackline around as well. she did some grocery shopping for me this morning before coming to work. i think some people regularly have their househelper do shopping for them, but we haven't. it was so nice though to not have to figure out when i was going to get to town. cyrus, my language helper, has also decided that since my mom will be here, i won't get in as much swahili so he had me meet w/ him yesterday in addition to today and tomorrow this week. again, it's nice to have someone else around. the kids also enjoy cyrus.
yesterday, jboy told jackline about easter eggs. during lunch, she said, "so john is telling me that easter has something to do w/ eggs?" i got to explain the US commercialism of easter to jackline and cyrus. cyrus always thinks the word bunny is funny (i'm not sure why) so he really got a kick out of the easter bunny.